This time of year is quite interesting as Christmas is now over and the New Year is on us. Then comes the realisation – I’ve got to run a marathon, half marathon, 10k, 5k this year. For some people they’ve got plenty of time to get ready but for others they have less time – April is Marathon Month!

So if you haven’t thought about it what have you got to do to be ready? I have listed 5 point below which I hope will be useful.

1 – Have I got the kit?

Shirt? Shorts? And at this time of year have you got the high viz jackets, sashes, lights for your feet, head torch? Be safe be seen! Have a look at what is needed.

2 – Shoes

lower leg injuries

I have made this a separate point as this is really important. The biggest mistake you can make is to assume that you can pop down to the cheapy chain to get your running shoes.

If you think about it you’re going to be spending a lot your time in your running shoes and they need to fit well and be comfortable. So how do you do that? What I recommend is to go to a local (ish) specialist running shop who will do a gait analysis and provide you with quality and honest advise.

They will video you runnin on a treadmill and will look at your hips, knees as well as how your feet strike. based on the video they will recommend a specific shoe. You do need to make sure it is comfortable for you. You will be quite surprised about how neutral the shoe will be. See the bottom of the blog for some local independent shops.

3 – Sports Massage and other Services


Some people find it really beneficial during trainng to have a regular Sports Massage. Sports Massage can help with the niggles that will occur during training and reduce the risk of injury.

— Remember that nobody/nothing can be done to PREVENT injury.

The following article from Runners World UK helps provide information about the benefits – .

West Berkshire Injury Clinic (WBIC) can provide Sports Massage as well as the other services/treatments that can help – Osteopathy, Gait Analysis, Strength and Conditioning, Injury Treatment, Rehabilitation and Strength and Conditioning Advice.

If you don’t think that Osteopathy will help have a look at this article that Kate wrote –

If you want to discuss this further with the clinic then give us a call on 01635 904542, email the clinic at in**@we***********************.uk or message us on Facebook.

4. Have you got a training plan?

One of the things that is stressed by a lot of running of the running and fitness magazines is the importance of a training plan. If you search for “running training plans” on the internet you will find lots of plans. They are of varying quality but if you find one froma reputable source then it would be normally be quite good e.g. Runner World, BUPA etc.

However in essence a plan should include details of long runs, how to increase the distances, interval/hill and speed training as well as (and often forgotten) strength and conditioning.

In the Newbury are we are very luck to have many different clubs and also accredited running coaches suitable for all standards.

5. Nutrition.

Another area that is often fogotten on dismissed as not being important. Diet is so important, people do wonder why they lack energy or put on weight during training and quite often it is down to a poor diet.

Yes – you will be able to have that extra slice of cake but not eating sensibly will impair your training and your performance. Look on the internet for good articles however this one on the BBC site is very good with links to other sites –

I hope this has been interesting and useful – we have a Facebook video here with more information from Andrew Spaak. Please get in touch with the clinic if you want more information.