Over recent years osteopaths have been recognised more and more for the role they play in providing care for sports people. It has become common for osteopaths to be included in a range of sports medicine teams, from local clubs all the way up to an international level.
Osteopathy works on the understanding that the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues all need to function correctly together in order to achieve an optimum performance. In this way osteopaths deal with not only the treatment of an injury but also in the prevention of injuries within a sporting environment.
Injuries in both contact and non-contact sports are common. They can include sprains and strains to the muscles, tendons and ligaments, alongside swelling, aching, muscular pain and bruising.
Repetitive strain injuries such as tennis elbow (which can be experienced by anyone playing racquet sports as well as non-sport related activities like typing and gardening) can be treated using a combination of soft tissue release, joint mobilisation, stretching and strengthening.
For those hoping to improve performance, an osteopath can help you to maintain flexibility and improve muscle tone whilst also improving joint mobility. This will allow for more freedom of movement.
So put aside any pre-conceived ideas that sporting injuries can only be treated by certain therapies. If osteopaths are able to provide support to Olympic athletes they are probably able to help you too. If you are unsure if osteopathy is the right choice for you then give us a call to discuss your case.