Chronic Pain

Chronic or persistent pain is pain that carries on for longer than 12 weeks despite medication or treatment.

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Chronic Pain

We know we can’t cure peoples’ specific chronic pain issues but we are able to help manage the symptoms.

Are you suffering with Chronic Pain?

Chronic Pain is something that affects more people than you think with NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) stating that between a third and a half of the UK population are affected by Chronic Pain. However this can encompass pain that people can ignore or manage effectively through exercise, analgesia or is insignificant through to pain that can majorly affect a person’s life.

There are a number of conditions which can have significant impact including:-
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Fibromyalgia (5% of population)
• Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome
• Neuropathic Pain

And there are many more.

Our approach is holistic and is aimed at providing relief and support for the individual as well as listening. The team at the clinic are not Psychologists or Counsellors but will look to listen and not judge.

We consider ourselves to be part of a team providing care rather than the sole care provider.

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Let us help by using


Sports Massage

Soft Tissue Therapy

Exercise Prescription

So what type of chronic pain can we treat?

Multiple Sclerosis


Neuropathic Pain

Arthritis, or joint pain

Neck or Back Pain

Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome

Ready to manage chronic pain?

Book an appointment online or speak to us direct to find out more.

Newbury Clinic

Call. 01635 904 542

Hungerford Clinic

Call. 01488 493 014

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Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below some of our frequently asked questions about our chronic pain treament – you can find even more FAQs in our full FAQs section.

What is Chronic Pain?

Chronic or persistent pain is pain that carries on for longer than 12 weeks despite medication or treatment. Most people get back to normal after pain following an injury or operation. But sometimes the pain carries on for longer or comes on without any history of an injury or operation.

Do I have Chronic Pain?

Acute pain lasts for a short time, and when the cause is treated the pain goes away. Pain is called chronic when it does not go away and you have experienced pain on most days of the week for at least 3 months. Tests and investigations may not find an explanation for the pain. This does not mean that chronic pain is not real. The nervous system, which sends pain signals, may have become oversensitised. The pain itself, however it began, has become an ongoing problem.

What causes Chronic Pain?

It isn’t always clear what causes chronic pain. There are several possibilities:

injury: Even after the injury has healed, the nerves can continue to send pain signals to the brain. The medical community isn’t sure why this happens.

disease: Some conditions cause chronic pain. Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis are two examples.

nerve problems: You can injure part of your nervous system—the nerves themselves. This type of chronic pain, called neuropathic pain, doesn’t respond well to treatment.

unknown: Pain can develop, even with no obvious injury, disease, or nerve problem.

Are there different types of Chronic Pain?

Yes, there are different types of chronic pain. It can be:

neuropathic pain: Pain caused by damage to the nerves themselves.

nociceptive pain: Nociceptors are the receptors in the nervous system that get activated when there’s an injury. If there isn’t an injury from outside the nervous system, the nociceptors aren’t active. Nociceptive pain, then, is pain caused by an injury to something other than the nerves. In chronic pain, though, the nociceptors may still be sending pain messages long after the original injury has healed.

What our patients say about us

  • Could not recommend highly enough. Knowledge, service and experience first rate. Arrived feeling worried and in pain. Left feeling assured and pain reduced dramatically with more mobility.


  • Had an online appointment with Andy due to the coronavirus situation regarding my acute back pain – he gave me some stretches and advice, and 3 days later the pain has gone! Highly recommended.